Acting Classes in San Antonio and Houston
Houston Studio Classes
Creating the character’s truth and fulfilling the actions required by the character is the focus of the class. Learning to create the 3 Truths that Casting Directors look for in a Virtual Audition is the key to delivering auditions that result in more Callbacks and Bookings!
Students work on 2 Person scenes that are filmed and each student gets a copy of their scene.
4 Week Class, Wednesday nights from 6:30-9:00pm
March 19th, 26th and April 2nd and 9th
$175.00 and class is limited to 20 students
Class is for Adults and Teens
Paul and Vaughn have Booked Series Regulars, Recurring Roles, Guest Star and Co-Star on hundreds of Episodes of National TV. They have also Starred in over 400 National Commercials as well as VO’s and Industrial Films.
They have also created 2 Feature Films distributed by Lionsgate.
You can see a sample of their Classes, Videos of Shows they have starred in as well as the trailers for the Films on
*Please note the new location*

Film Acting Classes for Houston and San Antonio
Please check back for future offerings!
San Antonio Studio Classes
SHORT FILM PRODUCTION CLASS. The Short Film, being written by Vaughn Taylor {Vaughn wrote 2 films distributed by Lionsgate} is a Surrealistic Thriller.. The film will be entered into Festivals and the cast will receive an IMDB credit in addition to the Training credit along with a copy of the film. Production Dates are February 28th and March 1st and 2nd. Location is in the San Antonio area and we will forward the address shortly. Zoom rehearsals will begin in January. Cost is $495 and can be paid in 2 ways: a one time payment of $450 (a $45 discount) or in three payments of $100 in December, $200 in January and $195 in February (use coupon code DEPOSIT at checkout to make the December payment and hold your place in the class). Cast is limited to 14 actors. If you are new to Paul and Vaughn’s classes, please send a pic & resume along with links to other productions you have acted in to before signing up for the class.

San Antonio Film Acting Studio Location: Kinected C-Working, 10401 Interstate-10, San Antonio, TX 78230, Near Loop 410 and Interstate-0
Be Scene Acting provides a safe and friendly environment where students can have fun learning the art of acting and performance from industry professionals. Our students are placed at their current level of expertise and offered personalized instruction in a respectful and fun way. We are serious about the industry while striving for our students to have a positive experience and maximum growth as performers.
Performing Arts San Antonio is organized as a Texas 501(c)3 Non-Profit Membership Corporation. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. EIN # 26-4517794. Individuals, corporations, groups and foundations may make tax-deductible donations that are permissible and fall within the acceptable non-profit guidelines of the IRS. Statements of Financial Position and Statements of Financial Activities will be based on calendar year operations and be made available within the PASA facility for inspection by all funders. Tuition fees from students taking performing arts classes offered through PASA operations will provide continuing earned income to meet monthly overhead. Operations are designed to make PASA self-sustaining and not reliant upon a constant need for continuing donations. Our plans call for fundraising campaigns to be relegated to major capital expenditures and increases in program services.
San Antonio Film Acting Studio Location:
Kinected C-Working
10401 Interstate-10
San Antonio, TX 78230
Near Loop 410 and Interstate-0